
Though youll face powerful bosses in Trials

Though youll face powerful bosses in Trials, they arent the only serious threat. We created a special type of adversary called bannermen that your group will need to deal with. Bannermen are easy to spot on the battlefield, and each needs to be handled correctly if your team wants to survive. One of our bannermen, for instance, has a nasty power that turns your group's area of effect heals against you, making them cause damage for  Buy Fifa 16 PS4 Coins the duration. On top of devastating abilities like this, you'll often face more than one bannerman, and your group needs to recognize the greatest threats and handle them quickly.

That sounds like a lot to manage, right? Well, it is, but we have a new feature coming with the update that will give your team more combat information to help while you learn: death recap. Once Craglorn is released, any time you're defeated (even outside of Trials) youll receive a recap screen detailing the last several sources of damage you took.

You'll also see a variety of tips tailored to help you understand your recent death more clearly. We want to provide this information to help everyone learn more about combat, but we think it will be especially useful to groups facing the Trials. You can see a screenshot of Cheap Fifa 16 XBOX One Coins  the death recap below.

