
This is proably a more advanced type

This is just an advanced variation of the auto-defending. Here you basicly take your defender, run him towards the ball carrier manually, so that the opponent thinks you are going to manually defend against him, but as soon as your defender gets close , you switch to Fifa 16 Coins a player further back on the pitch, press the secondary press button (which will make the closest player contain the ball carrier, aka the guy you just ran close to him) and then you try to intercept the pass from further back.

The good thing about this type of defending is that you will pressure the ball carrier faster, giving him less time to decide. You will also deter him from trying to skill past you, since he thinks you will manualy jocky. But, it will give you less time to position yourself for interceptions.

This is proably a more advanced type of defending, I dont use it much. It really requires you to spot passing options early, so you know which man to switch to and position him perfectly in Cheap Fifa 16 Coins  a very short amount of time.

